
The barn and the animals have been sold on April 1, 2023.

The new owners are Eveliina Kokkoniemi and Juho-Heikki Kauppinen.

Here is a short description of the feeding of the barn built in 2008.

There is Total Mixed Ration as a feeding system; roughage and concentrates are mixed in horizontal mixer wagon. The mix dispense directly from the mixer wagon to feed table, which is five meters wide. The milking cow`s mix is composed so as to suit high yielding cows, while lower yielding cows eat less. The base of mix is hey-silage and concentrates are home grown, rolled, moist oat and barley and purchased turnip rape and minerals. The poorer mix includes more roughage ( straw and hey ) and so it is more suitable to pregnancy heifers and dry cows.
